Art Transport Grants

Introducing the NYC Community Container Art Transport Grants!


* Artists: fill out our form for Love Burn 2025!
* Donors: check out our donations page!

Art Transport Grants Recipients Gallery

Check out our Gallery of previous Art Transport Grants Recipients!


As burners, we love art and love to support artists! At the NYC Community Container, we felt like the best way for us to support NYC area artists bringing art to Burning Man would be to help them with the cost of transport. So, how does this work?

As a 501c3 not-for-profit organization, donations to us are tax deductible. This is why we are relying on donations to fund this program this year. While we could increase container prices slightly for everyone and use those fund to subsidize art transport, this would:
a) not be tax deductible for donors
b) increase the transport cost for *everyone* when it is already (often prohibitively) expensive for East Coast folks to make their way to the burn

We would like to focus on first time artists or those without a lot of “institutional” support this year. We will rely (mostly) on self determination for this. These artists will receive up to 2/3 of their art transport cost reimbursed. Other artists will receive up to 1/3.

It is impossible to predict how successful (or not) this grant project will be this year. You might get a lot of your transport costs reimbursed, or you might not. Please do not depend on this program to make your project financially viable!

You *will* need to buy the space for your art transport at full price ahead of time. Please *only* submit the space you need for your art for this program, and not your or your team’s personal items. We reserve the right to check out your finished art project on playa and adjust your submitted reimbursement accordingly.

Payments will happen some time after the burn, and will be made through PayPal. Please make sure you have a PayPal account if you are registering for this grant program!

If this program ends up being wildly successful beyond our expectations we will increase the reimbursement amount past 2/3 and 1/3, as well as consider ways to support burning man art year-round in other ways. Either way, 100% of donated funds will go to support artists and their art, with zero overhead.

For Artists

If you are an artist bringing art to the burn, please fill out the form below. Please note:
* this program is for ART only. No mutant vehicles. No personal bins. Your art must be on the playa, not inside a camp or on a camp’s frontage!
* You MUST buy (and pay in full) the entire amount of space that you need for your art.
* Disbursement of grant funds will happen *AFTER* the burn
* We would like to prioritize first time artists as well as artists or teams that do not have a lot of “institutional support”
* Art that fills that criterion will be reimbursed *up to* 2/3 of the transport cost
* All other art (established artists) will be reimbursed *up to* 1/3 of the transport cost
* We will depend on your project’s self-determination to determine eligibility as per the above and count on your honest self-assessment. That said, we do reserve the right to re-classify your project from 2/3 to 1/3 eligible (or vice versa)
* We do not know how successful this program will be this year. Due to the nature of the program (donation funded) it is entirely possible that the amount available for disbursement will be negligible
* All funds donated towards this program will be used 100% towards the grant program, without any overhead
* if this program ends up being wildly successful beyond our dreams we will consider increasing the reimbursement amounts and/or look for other ways to support NYC area art if there ends up being a surplus

For Donors

Your donation is tax deductible & 100% of your funds will be used towards the art transport grant program.
